How a Wireless Pet Fence Works

An instant pet fence is a new invention in keeping your dog in the yard. A radio dog containment fence offers a safe tool to train your dog. You start by plugging in a home base unit somewhere in your home or garage. It is best to find some place out of sight. The transmitting box transmits an invisible signal around your house . The pet you want to contain wears a lightweight receiving collar which listens for the signal. As long as it can receive , your dog is able to roam around . If your pet approaches the edge of the transmission area , it emits an audible warning .

If your dog continues , he gets a brief static energy pulse which will startle him but is not harmful . After a few easy training steps, your dog quickly learns his invisible fence zone. Setting the containment zones of your yard only takes a few moments by adjusting the transmitter level , from a radius of just a few feet to up to 90 feet.

Instant containment fences are extremely popular with pet owners. It is easy to see why, too. Radio containment fences set up in minutes, are a breeze to install, are portable and can even be utilized during trips. These devices provide a safe zone for your dog that cannot be jumped over or broken down . Best of all, there is no burying wire , no need to dig trenches and no pounding stakes and no fences to build.

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