Plastic Surgery For Men

Disclaimer: Please consult with your personal doctor before making any decisions based on the following article.

When we think of plastic surgery, we always picture women going to the clinic to get work done. Whether it’s liposuction, breast work, facial surgery or treatment for signs of aging, we usually imagine that women are the patients.

The truth is that men, too, can benefit from plastic surgery. Anyone can be unhappy with their looks and would want something better. In recent years, a growing number of men are finally getting their plastic surgery done and getting the face they want.

What will this affect you?

It means that you can improve your face or body, too, and the industry has developed to accommodate your needs. There are many options for men.

Abdominoplasty - This is a technical word for getting rid of that beer belly. Men have a tendency to develop a big belly later in life than their female counterparts and the fatty tissues in this area are especially stubborn and hard to get rid of. In response to this demand, plastic surgery clinics offer special, localized fat removal operations to get rid of the said problems.

Brow Lift - Although anybody can get a brow lift, it is most popular with older men. Older men develop creases and wrinkles in this area. The brow plays an important role for expressing emotions, and it is very noticeable when it sags with age. In brow lift operations, the plastic surgeon lifts the muscle and other tissue under the skin so that your brow looks natural.

Chin Augmentation - A weak chin can really hurt your profile, and make other awkward facial features stand out. The chin really balances out a man’s face. With chin augmentation, your plastic surgeon puts an implant in your chin to make it look more natural and balanced. Chin implants can be tiny and barely noticeable, if that is all it takes to make the face look better.

Arm Lift - No matter how much you exercise or eat right to keep the fat off, excess fat tends to build up in men’s upper arms. Even if you are in good overall shape, your upper arms may appear saggy and fat. This is why many men get arm lifts. Plastic surgeons do this by removing fat from the arms with liposuction, and also tightening the skin. Most of this area is just skin.

Post Bariatric Surgery - When a younger person loses weight, the skin naturally tightens up. But, when older men lost a large amount of weight, the skin often sags and can cause hygiene problems. This is why plastic surgeons have developed post bariatic surgery. This procedure is designed to tighten up the skin so that it looks natural, and can be done on virtually any part of the body.

Otoplasty - This is a type of surgery that reduces the size of the ears. Unusually large ears can be a source of self-consciousness and ridicule, and this surgery is often sought by men whose ears overshadow their other facial features. This is a short procedure that leads to a more natural look which is usually barely noticeable to others.

Plastic surgery is not just for women anymore. More and more men are choosing to improve their faces, bodies and self-images. This can be done by consulting a plastic surgeon. What’s more, there is a growing number of options available.

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