Reward Your Horse in the Latter Years

After years of competing, working or just riding with you, the time comes when your horse starts to slow down. Since they age 1 year to our every 3 years, aging occurs in your horse’s life much faster than in your own.

Your horse is counting on you to take care of him in his senior years as you did in the earlier ones. Senior horses have different needs than they did even 5 years earlier. By knowing these needs you can prevent problems and give your horse the retirement he deserves.

Unless there is a medical reason it is good for your horse to stay active. Although he might not be working, exercise is essential to keep limber, make use of their lungs and other body parts as well as having the joy of experiencing the world around them. Turning him out will also keep the weight gain low and his spirits high.

They aren’t able to do as well with extreme temperature changes. It is important to be sensitive to the conditions that your horse is in at this stage of their lives. It’s always a good idea to keep a blanket handy in the colder days especially if you live in a higher elevation or where there are cold seasons. In the same way be sure to provide at least one or two shady spots where your horse can escape from the direct sun.

Your horse’s body will go through various changes as your horse ages. This includes his stomach and digestive system. Feeding your horse accordingly will make him more comfortable and provide what he needs at this stage of his life. There are some great supplements in the market that make up for deficiencies in nutrient absorption of senior horses. A favorite is TAHITIAN NONI® Equine EssentialsTM. One of the things that it does is promotes proper feed digestion and nutrient absorption. Another great feature is it supports the equine immune system with superior antioxidant activity.

Have you ever noticed that many senior horses get moody and stress easier? My favorite feature of TAHITIAN NONI® Equine EssentialsTM is that it contains adaptogens to help relieve stress. They are much calmer and relaxed. TAHITIAN NONI® Equine Essentials FlexTM was formulated with horses who suffer from joint problems. It supports joint function but also includes MSM, glucosamine and chondroitin sulfate as well as the Omega 3 and 6 oils found in the TAHITIAN NONI® Equine EssentialsTM. It has given many a horse a new lease on life. In Australia this product is know as Tahitian Noni™ Equine Formula™.

If you take care of your horse and give it love and support it needs, your horse has the potential of living into his thirties and even forties.

As indicated at the bottom of all our web pages, these statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration and these products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. Please visit our website for details.


8 Responses to “Reward Your Horse in the Latter Years”

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