Mark Mason on the Long Tail and Niche Marketing

Ever wondered how long tail niche marketing helps a business?

If you are thinking about having a small business, or already have one, you’ll want to use every avenue at your disposal to increase business. The newest frontier for business is the Internet. Each year, someone comes up with a new way to enhance business in this area. One technique to consider is long tail niche marketing, a technique well documented on Mark Mason’s Internet Marketing Blog.

The concept of long tail niche marketing uses multiple keyword phrases to target traffic to your site and increase business. By adding words to the phrase, the person searching will have to be quite specific in their words in order to find you.

As Mark Mason says, long tail niche marketing is another way to increase your standing in the page ranks on popular search engines. Anyone who has used SEO content and keywords on their website pages knows that everyone fights for the first page of results. Most people don’t look beyond that; if it is not found on the first page, the chances of you being discovered drop.

A business can benefit in a number of ways from long tail niche marketing strategies. For one, it saves time on other marketing campaigns. When we buy lists of names, the category that those names fall into is a broad one.

Let’s say that you are selling rafting equipment. A list may include people who live in states where white water rafting is a common sport. That would be a broad category. Everyone living in Colorado doesn’t go rafting. There are a lot of names on the list who won’t buy from you. Also, the list may exclude people who love to raft but don’t live in the geographic location of the list.

Marketing is a trial and error process, but we try to get as close to our target as possible. Employing more than one marketing strategy is best to overcome this learning curve. With longer keyword phrases, a person won’t just look for rafting in general, but can include other keywords like state, or type of rafting equipment they are looking for. The results for “rafting” may be in the millions, but the results for “rafting suppliers in Colorado Springs” can be in the thousands.

This marketing strategy directs the appropriate traffic to find your business according to Mark Mason (read all about Mark Mason here). Visitors are more likely to buy because they are looking for your products. Creating a list from those who buy offers a solid base of customers to work with. From there, you can target specific products to customers. The possibilities are endless once you reach the right type of customers.

Long tail marketing does require that the right keyword phrases be used. The entire process is still used experimentally by Internet marketers. With a little research, you can create phrases that will bring in reliable new leads for future sales.

About the author: Mark Mason is an Internet Marketing Hobbyist and webmaster at You can learn more about Mark Mason by visiting his blog at

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