Choosing the Right Furniture Polish

Furniture polish is important to treating your wood.  Without it, wood gets dry and cracked. Like your skin, furniture can get sun damaged over time. Furniture polish can prevent these things. Some furniture polishes can reduce the amount of cleaning you do.

There are many types of furniture polish on the market.  Some types of furniture polish are better for different types of wood than others. For example, some furniture polishes have silicone.  Silicone is not a good polish if you ever want to refurbish your wood later.  The silicone is very very hard to remove, and requires that the wood be totally sanded down and seals the wood perminantly. Cheap silicone polishes are also known to make woods sticky - actually increasing the amount of dusting you need to do. 

Paste wax is a hard wax that can be applied. Like car waxes, it takes a lot of work to apply and can also take a lot of work to remove. Paste wax seals the wood naturally, unlike silicone, but does not oil or feed the wood. 

Lemon oil is a popular type of furniture polish. Some people believe that wood should be treated by simply applying natural oils back into the wood. Jamestowne Lemon Oil Furniture Polish is a simple way to oil your wood with out any residue or wax treatment. 

Wax polishes are a popular alternative to lemon oil.  For over 40 years, Jamestowne Furniture Polish is one of the most successful liquid wax polishes. It actually combines lemon oil and carnauba wax, one of the hardest natural waxes, making it easy to apply.  The wood is both oiled to preserve the wood, and sealed to protect it.  

There is a quality furniture polish for treating all types of wood, including antique furniture, outdoor furniture, and more.  Picking the right furniture polish will go along way in helping your furniture last. 


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