Thermage - The Alternative

The Thermage process is a substitute to forehead lifts, browlifts, facelifts, laser resurfacing and the newest use, cellulite removal. If you are planning a Thermage Treatment, read the information below to ensure you’ll know what to expect and be adequately prepared .

  1. Fully understand the Thermage process. The Thermage process uses a special device that will tighten the skin around the eyes, forehead and cellulite areas without making any incisions or utilizing any lasers. The Ground-breaking device emits pulses that heat the skin, which contracts the skin, making the looseness tight.
  2. Visit a qualigied you completely understand this procedure. Your Doctor should thoroughly explain all aspects of the procedure , He should also perform an evaluation.
  3. Ask the physician about the skin care products you are currently using. Ask him/her if is your skin products are tolerable.
  4. Let there be no surprises, know what to expect to decrease any discomfort , the doctor may use an anesthetic lotion on the face or prescribe oral medication . Once the Physician begins this procedure, you’ll have cold and warm sensations. Expect to have some tenderness, redness and/or swelling in the treatment area for a couple of days.
  5. Plan sufficient time. The length of the Thermage treatment will vary, depending upon the size of the area to be treated. For some patients the process only lasts a few minutes, while others may spend up to an hour with the doctor.

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