Noni is a fruit native to Tahiti.

TAHITIAN NONI® Juice is the world most popular noni product. Some common mis-spellings of the product names are noni, tahitan noni, tahitan noni juice or even just tahitian.

Tahitian Noni International genius was the invention a simple and efficient way to process, pasteurize and bottle the fruit as a juice without using excessive heat that destroys its potency. While it has been in use for thousands of years where it grows wild on the sides of volcanic islands within the French Polynesian Islands, it availability to consumers in North America is very recent in 1996. You may well have seen the plants growing wild if you have traveled to the exotic pacific islands where the fruit is picked. You might even have been told by your hotel manager not to bite into the raw fruit due to its strong taste.

TAHITIAN NONI° Juice is 89% pure noni puree with added grape and blueberry fruit juice concentrate. The grape and blueberry juices reduce the strong taste of the noni and make it possible for consumers worldwide to enjoy the benefits of the fruit. Even native Tahitian’s prefer it this way. Raw noni is so extremely strong that most people can only taste a small amount and then only to discover how strong its aroma is.

One of the four main benefits of this juice described on our web site is that with its combination of antioxidant-rich fruit juices, TAHITIAN NONI Juice is one of the world’s great super-antioxidants.

As indicated at the bottom of all our web pages, these statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration and these products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. Please visit our websites for details on all our products.

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