Use eBooks To Drive Targeted Traffic To You Website

Now is the perfect time to write an ebook. If you’ve not written one yet, you’re probably thinking about it. And if you’re not, you should be.

Ebooks are powerful vehicles for original thinkers with fresh ideas to get information to the millions of people searching online everyday on every single subject you can think of.  If you know how to do something, chances are there’s someone out there who doesn’t but who is looking to find exactly that piece of information.

Still, you may ask, “What’s this got to do with me? I’m not in the business of selling ebooks”.

However, if you have a business, these days you’ve probably got a website. And if you’ve got a website, you’ll definitely want quality, targeted traffic to it. An ebook is one of the most powerful ways to promote your business by educating people about your product. The result? Eager visitors to your site, people who already know about your product and are interested to know more. In short, people who are already pre-disposed to buy - and who doesn’t want those?

And ebooks can be used to promote any type of business.

  • Bonsai enthusiasts
  • Bridal favors
  • Bedwetting Prevention Supplies
  • Building supplies
  • any other type of business (whether or not it begins with B!)

Once written, give your ebooks away free. Visit related forums and say that you have just completed a new ebook on (xyz) and are willing to give it away to anyone who signs up for your mailing list. Or place a classified ad on ebay to attract leads to your mailing list. Or use your My Space page to promote it! Now you’re not only generating traffic that’s pre-disposed to buy your product, but you’ve also got the email address of potential future buyers!.

Affiliate programs (eg Clickbank and PayDotCom) can be used to leverage the power of the internet by getting armies of affiliates to promote your product.  Affiliates are most likely to do this if they can rebrand some of the links inside your ebook with their own affiliate codes. Affiliates can come from anywhere in the world and will work globally to introduce people to your products by promoting your ebook.  

And don’t forget the power of viral video marketing. This is very powerful.  

Can you see how all of this could work for you?

If you’ve a specific product that you want to promote, don’t forget to include an actual order form at the end of your ebook. Your prospects can then easily hit the order button precisely when they are most enthusiastic!

That’s why ebooks are so essential. Not only do they provide a forum for people to learn and make sense of their own thoughts, but they can also serve to promote your business at the same time.


Australian Web Marketing

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