Encouraging Signs as Barclays Buys 9.5 million shares in Discover Leisure

Barclays Bank have increased their share holdings in the outdoor leisure company Discover Leisure (DISL) after recently purchasing an additional 9.5 million shares.

“Presumably, Barclays think they are a viable investment opportunity. None of this indicates an undue likelihood of imminent collapse of the company, although in the current economic situation, this could probably not be ruled out entirely for a great many businesses”

Discover over the past week or so have made their country wide operations more lean by closing some of the smaller stores nationwide, while keeping hold of their core, larger sites which means they are well setup to weather out the current worldwide financial storm.

Furthermore, the leisure industry, especially in the UK has been hit quite hard and with little to no help or goverment intervention many of Discover’s competitors have fell by the way side and gone under. This again shows positive signals for Discover shares and profitability due to less supply and greater current demand due to holiday makers looking for more cheaper, closer to home holiday getaways rather than booking holidays abroad, which has been covered by the BBC news and the Financial Times.

For Discover Leisure (DISL) share holders, although the current share price isn’t great, but bearing the above factors in mind, these are great reasons to hold on to your shares, if not buy while at a bargain price before they find their feet again and regain something like their original share price from 1 year plus ago, the rewards will be substantial.

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