Gender Predictor- A Method For Choosing the Sex of Your Baby
I have always known I wanted my first born child to be a boy. Before I got pregnant the first time, I looked into gender predictors online and read different methods you can try to increase your odds of having a boy or girl. Many people do not believe a gender predictor method can work. I was skeptical, but anything was worth the try!
After much research, my husband and I implemented the guidelines in Ashley Spencer’s gender predictor system and sure enough, it worked. So I am no longer a critic, I am a believer. It has been almost two years since my son was born and we are preparing to start trying on our next. Like before, I would like to have a boy again. It is time to visit the gender predictor site and break out all of the information and learning guides I found over three years to try for another blue bundle of joy.
So where can you find a gender predictor? There are many resources online and books in the library or in a bookstore. You can even order books and pamphlets of sites online. Many people don’t know that it can be possible to have the children you want, but it is if you follow the information on these resources. Ashley Spencer’s How to Choose the Gender of Your Baby is the best I’ve found! In this book she has provided tons of secrets that will help you conceive your special little boy or girl. She will teach you about fertility, diet changes to conceive what you want, and certain foods that are attractive to sperm, timing, and the best positions to have each sex.
If you are getting ready to add a baby to your family and have a special preference on what the sex is, gender predication is a method worth trying. With an effective success rate in the ninety percentile, it is not something to pass up. Trust me, when I start trying for a little boy next month, I will be using this gender predictor again!
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I am not a medical professional and do not offer medical advice that is deemed to be complete or official or recognized by any formal medical organization. The information provided to users of this site is based on my opinions and experiences and is only to be used after you consent with your doctor & receive his/her approval.