How to Choose School Name Labelling
People like to know which garments and possessions are theirs,and in most cases this is not difficult If lots of individuals have the same type of clothes, or have their clothing cleaned together then identification is required. There are several types of uniform labels and we compare them all below:
Nname tag Appearance:
The most attractive labels are printed fabric or woven labels which need to be sewn into uniforms, second position is shared by iron on labels and stikins and last place has to go to laundry markers and biro where the name is written into the garment.
Labelling Speed:
The fastestmethod of personalisingclothing is a laundry marker followed by stikins and then iron on labelling. Sewing in labels comes last in terms of speed especially if one is a non sewer, or have many labels to sew in.
Name Label Durability:
Washing machines are designed to remove things from clothes, and have difficult environment for labels. Labels can fail because they come off or because the print deteriorates. A well sewn in woven name label is the most durable solution and it should last the life of the garment. Mixed results come from iron on labels in terms of staying in; some are very good and some are poor, the kind of fabric they are ironed on to is also a factor, but they tend not to fade. Stikins school name labels generally survive extremely well if applied correctly and the print does not fade. Laundry markers do tend to fade with time but there is no issue regarding falling off.
Name Label Cost:
Laundry markers are the cheapest and there are also some low priced label sew in tapes. Woven and embroidered labels have a range of prices and are often more expensive than iron in labels and stikins. The most expensive name labels are the ones that do not work, or need replacing often so buying cheap may not be good value in the end.
Which Name Labels are Best?
None of the labels in this comparison is an overall winner, all have pros and cons and the best labels for you will depend what is most important to you. If appearance overrides everything go for the best woven labels, if cost is vital buy a marker pen, if you want a good all round performer buy Stikins. A referral from a friend or samples first is a good way of making sure of the quality of iron on labels, which can also be good all rounders. So good luck choosing clothes tags for your clothes.