First Aid
Dogs love having fun and they love doing it through the act of running around in natural surroundings. Unfortunately, other animals love the great outdoors as well including snakes and a variety of insects. The chances that at some point in time that your dog will be bitten by a snake or insect is good and you need to be prepared beforehand. Be sure that you pick up some dog shampoo for your dog today.
In most cases, these possible bites are only minor and your dog’s natural immune system will take care of it without any issues. However, in some cases, first aide may need to be administered in some fashion as a way to improve your dog’s health after being bitten. If you are looking for some dog treats then be sure to pick up some bulk dog treats to save money.
When the bed bugs bite!
While most insect bites are nothing to be worried about and only include a slight annoyance or irritation, sometimes they can be far worse. In the case of the small annoyances, your dog will develop a small red bump that will be slightly itchy, much like when you get bitten by a mosquito. These symptoms will disappear within a day or two as your dog’s immune system fights off the infection. In some cases, your dog just like you can be allergic to a particular bite and when this happens it can in some cases prove to be life threatening.
From slight discomfort to anaphylactic shock, the chances that your dog will suffer from an animal bite are based on his or her particular immune system. When a serious allergic reaction to an insect bite occurs though, it is important to get your dog to the veterinarian as soon as possible to prevent the possibility of death.
What if a snake bites?
In many situations, the possibility of your dog suffering from a snake bite is rare. Just like us, they will generally attempt to stay clear of these reptiles but likewise staying clear of a snake is not always a possibility. When you take your dog out, remember that snakes tend to stay in areas where they are the least visible and it is in these areas where your dog is more likely to be bitten by one. You will need to pick up some dog supplies to prevent snake bites.
A non-poisonous snake is nothing really to worry about, but if your dog is bitten by a poisonous snake, make sure to get him or her immediate medical attention. Regardless of where you live, knowing the differences between the poisonous and non-poisonous snakes should just be general knowledge. When it is not, there are some guidelines that you can follow.
1) Most of the snakes found in North America whose stripes run the length of their body are generally harmless, however when it comes to those who have rings, along their length could be one or the other; especially in the case of the king and coral snakes.
2) Poisonous North American snakes include the rattlesnakes, cottonmouths, water moccasins as well as the copperheads. When their color is blotched, they are in most cases poisonous, but when they are in the pattern of a diamond shape, they are poisonous.