Buy Carpet With Personal Considerations In Mind

Carpet ranks 3rd in consumer purchases behind homes and automobiles. As with houses and vehicles, there are many options from which to choose when you buy carpet.

Probably the two most important factors to consider when purchasing carpet are appearance and performance. More people than not become quite confused when shopping for carpet. This is because they are told so many different things about which is the best carpet to buy. Truth is, there is no black and white answer to that question.

The very first thing one should determine when shopping for carpet is the style of carpet they like best, or the appearance. It might be a patterned or non-patterned berber, textured or smooth plush, long and shaggy or short and stubby frieze, or maybe a printed or solid commercial cut pile. If you are carpeting a basement or game room with lots of foot traffic, you may consider a commercial loop or a short tight cut pile commercial. For bedrooms and other areas, you may prefer a softer and longer pile carpet. The most important thing is that it appeals to you. After all, you are the one that’s walking on it and looking at it every day. If you are planning on selling the home in the near future, you might want to choose a neutral color that would likely coordinate with a buyer’s decor. If not, make the decision to go with colors you like.

As far as fiber type, nylon is a very resilient fiber and will give superior wear. Polyester and olefin fibers, being petroleum based and made from recycled plastics, are naturally more stain resistant. So depending on where your priorities lie, this is where performance comes in to play. One of the biggest misconceptions in carpet is that the heavier the face weight, the more durable the carpet. Actually, the more important proponent is the twist level of the yarn. For example, a 60 oz. Carpet with three or four revolutions in the yarn may not perform as well as a 40 oz. Carpet with six or seven turns. Think of yarn in terms of a rope, in that one that has a slack twist or frayed will not be as strong as a tightly twisted rope. That same situation applies to yarn strength. Density is also an important player in the longevity of a carpet. Generally speaking, short and tight out performs long and loose, but don’t forget the twist rule.

Carpet has long been recognized as a great insulator, the obvious choice for warmth, and the single most appealing addition to your home. Choosing the right carpet is not a science. Simply focus on appearance and performance, follow the guidelines and your carpet shopping experience should be a pleasant and positive one.

Finally, carpet prices can vary widely from one source to another. Obviously you will want the best price for your carpet purchase. Owen Carpet can provide discount carpet at the most competitive prices available anywhere. Visit our website at or stop by our shop and compare our selection and variety today.

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