The Secret To Success Is To Live Your Purpose

Have you ever wondered why some people attract happiness, success and prosperity like magnets?  Why life seems so effortless for those people while others struggle?  These days, these questions are more important than ever.

Fact: Here in the United States we’re experiencing a financial crisis that is affecting the entire world, not just Americans.

Here’s another fact: there are people who prosper in the worst of times and there are others who struggle in the best of times.

What’s the difference?  Many would say it’s luck, or being born under the right stars, or to the right family.  They’d be wrong.  None of that has anything to do with success and happiness.

People who are successful, happy and prosperous have a clear purpose for their life.  They are doing what they love to do and fulfilling that purpose.

Maybe you’re struggling and wondering why life seems so hard.  Maybe you’re one of the millions of people who get up and go to work everyday to a job they hate because they think they have no other choice.  Maybe you’re ready to live the live you deserve…a life filled with success, prosperity and happiness.

Some people seem to know from day one what their “thing” is.  You’ll notice those people are happier and more successful than most anybody else you know.  Most people have to work at discovering their purpose.

Look around you.  How many people can you say appear to be truly happy?  Probably not many.  Most people you see every day seem to be going through the motions, going about their daily lives almost sleepwalking.  They’re just scraping by, in every sense of the word.

Somewhere along the line, those people have lost their sense of purpose.  Or, they’ve simply given up on ever being able to live their purpose, the thing they truly love to do.

Our society has taught us that the things we love to do typically aren’t “practical”.  There’s a clear distinction between “work” and “play”.  Even professional musicians, who *play* music for a living, call it “going to work!”  What’s wrong with that picture?

People who are doing what they love and making a living at it aren’t “working”, they’re playing!  We tend to think those people are exceptions, and generally speaking, they are.  That’s because most people don’t believe they can make a living doing what they truly love to do.

Not only can you make a living doing what you love to do, you can be truly successful in every sense of the word.  The way to do that is to discover and live your life’s purpose.

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