San Antonio Temperature and Climate Description

San Francisco, California, Usa

In San Francisco, California, Usa the mean temperature for the year is 13.71C (56.675F). 5.00C (41.00F) is the lowest monthly mean min temperature (occurring in January) while 23.00C (73.40F) is the hottest monthly mean high temperature measured in the month of September. Thus the range of mean temperatures over the year is 8.50C. Wet weather in San Francisco, California comes to an average total of 475.50mm (18.72in) per annum. Thus mean monthly precipitation is 39.63mm (1.56in). December is the wettest month when an average of 104mm (4.09in) of rain falling over a period of 10 days while in July only 0.5mm (0.02in) of rain falls over less than 1 days. San Francisco, California’s climate is subject to an average of 62 days per year with greater than 0.1mm (0.004in) of rainfall. Relative humidity at San Francisco, California averages 68.33333333% over the year. 65% is the most low average monthly relative humidity transpiring in June, October and 75% is the peak mean monthly relative humidity transpiring in January. San Francisco, California’s weather is effected by an average of 3037 sunshine hours per year or 8.32 daily hours. There is a range of hours of sunshine from 5.0 per day in January to 11.4 per day in June. Uncover more exact details and insight on the San Francisco, California climate weather Graph thanks to the online resource. This link covers preety much everything you want to know. Free San Francisco, California climate graphs show full details about the precipitation in San Francisco, California.

San Antonio, Texas, Usa

In San Antonio, Texas, Usa the average temperature is 20.33C (68.6F). 5.00C (41.00F) is the coldest monthly mean min temperature (occurring in January) while 35.00C (95.00F) is the warmest monthly mean high temp recorded in August. Thus the range of mean temperatures over the year is 18.00C. Precipitation in San Antonio, Texas is on average 708.00mm (27.87in) per annum. That means that average monthly rainfall is 59.00mm (2.32in). September is the rainiest month when an average of 89mm (3.50in) of water precipitating on an average of 7 days while in November only 35mm (1.38in) of rain falls over 6 days. San Antonio, Texas’s climate has an average of 82 days per year with greater than 0.1mm (0.004in) of rainfall. Relative humidity at San Antonio, Texas averages 54.91666667% annually. 49% is the minimum average monthly relative humidity which occurs in August and 62% is the maximum mean monthly relative humidity that takes place in January. San Antonio, Texas’s climate is subject to an average of 2877 sunlight hours annually or 7.88 hours per day. Sunshine hours range from 5.1 per day in January to 11.1 per day in July. There is further information about the temperature in San Antonio, Texas at this useful website. This link covers basically everything you want to know. Free San Antonio, Texas climate graphs expose a comprehensive synopsis of the wet days in San Antonio, Texas.

San Angelo, Texas, Usa

In San Angelo, Texas, Usa the average annual temperature is 18.54C (65.375F). 1.00C (33.80F) is the lowest monthly mean minimum temperature (occurring in January) while 35.00C (95.00F) is the hottest monthly mean high temperature measured in the month of July & August. Therefore we can say that the annual average temperature range is 20.50C. Rainfall/ snowfall etc. in San Angelo, Texas builds up to an average total of 476.00mm (18.74in) per annum. Thus mean monthly precipitation is 39.67mm (1.56in). May is the most rainy month when an average of 81mm (3.19in) of rain, hail, sleet or snow falling across 7 days while in November only 20mm (0.79in) of rain falls over 4 days. San Angelo, Texas’s climate has an average of 56 days per year with greater than 0.1mm (0.004in) of rainfall. Relative humidity at San Angelo, Texas averages 45.41666667% annually. 41% is the most low average monthly relative humidity transpiring in March, August and 51% is the highest mean monthly relative humidity that comes about in January. You can get more info about the San Angelo, Texas climate temperature in April at the online resource. Free San Angelo, Texas climate charts expose a comprehensive synopsis of the sunlight hours in San Angelo, Texas.

13 Responses to “San Antonio Temperature and Climate Description”

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